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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

10S NE1?

See if you can figure out my title....Come on sound it out!

That is right, this post is about the wonderful sport of tennis. My husband has recently been bitten hard by the tennis bug. He has never played before but now he can be found hitting against the side of our house, youtubing Rafael Nadal's swings in slow motion, practicing his serve or playing me in a game of tennis. He got us new racquets last week so we played on Sunday night after we got home from the beach. Of course I took some actions shots, I guess I will send them into the US Open or Wimbledon, see if we can get him a spot!

 Who knows maybe after this Coast Guard thing ends maybe he will pursue a career in tennis. Lord knows the camera would love his handsome self!!

Right now Kenny is doing a job at the White House! It is supposed to be on CNN, so I am tuned into the news like a 65 year old man and making some banana bread, Kenny's favorite! Oh and of course I am doing the dachshund shuffle-- it's a walk you have to learn when you have a dachshund. You just slide your feet and never really picked them up to take a step. Let's be honest I could crush Chaco if I didn't do the shuffle. Especially in the kitchen where the food monsters follow my every step!

1 comment:

  1. Yep in picture three just like when in t-Ball he's pointing to a bug or bird .......ahahahahah
    Have fun........Mamma byrd
