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Thursday, August 25, 2011

A crazy week

I feel like I should invest in a Lance Armstrong Live Strong bracelet after the last couple of day. Sure, we survived the earthquake. A couple things fell off the walls and shelves. My first earthquake experience is summed up in this picture-

That is not why I need the Live Strong bracelet. I need it because this week I survived the intake of poisonous food. Yes, food poisoning.  I like saying it; it sounds really intense and trust me, it was. I can't blame CiCi's but I will say I won't be eating there ever again, as much as it breaks my heart to say it. So now the week is almost over and I have nothing to show for it, except of course, for surviving. 

Amidst my life threatening sickness (let me milk it, it was a rough week) I managed to do a little crafting of sorts. One of the guys that works with Ken is getting married so gifts naturally are in order. Nothing like a good ole crock pot. The only problemo was the only wrapping party we have has monkeys wearing party hats on that I used for Kenny's birthday. I am one of those people who loves a neatly wrapped gift that almost looks to good to open; so I could not with a clean conscious use the monkey wrap. Seeing as I haven't left the house this week I didn't have a chance to get wrapping paper. But even still, the oh so cheap and thrifty person inside of me did not want to spend $10 on wrapping paper that I won't use again, or at least for a really long time. So, I winged it. I cut up a paper grocery bag. You just cut down one of the sides and cut the bottom out of it, then tape it up like regular wrapping paper. 

I used some string we had from a recent project and made to little white fabric flowers and there you have it. Not only is it thrifty it adds a little bit of a personal touch I think. Maybe you don't think so; maybe you are thinking MM you cheap jerk. In which case I would have to say, don't blame me, I get it from my father!!

The day ended perfectly with a little stroll to the lake. We are already saying goodbye to Summer up here and hello to Fall, which is awesome except for the fact that Winter comes next. I am a rainbow flip flops and Nike shorts wearing kind of girl. I hate layering clothes and cold, runny noses and having cold wind take the breath out of you when you walk outside. So, we are trying to stay outside as much as possible while the sunshine is out and the weather is warm. We walked along the water, took a lot of pictures, chased river otters and watched a beautiful sunset. 

A great way to end the day. The Lord is so good to us and we are so blessed. The weekend is so close I can almost taste it!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I for one just love the paper sack idea which I used one Christmas and got those little ink stamps shaped like a square, with a snow flake on one side and a sleigh on one side, holly on one side and so on.......and used green and red Ink to stamp the holly and berries....but I love your flower Idea soooo much. I sent your blog pictures to grandma Nell and grandpa Max and she loved the blog ...said she and Max just belly laughed at the cute things in it and how precious and clever your are and of course that you and Kenny are the PERFECT couple! Batten down the hatches for the Hurricane and make those yummy butterfinger thingies.....I miss you and love you both soooo much.....momma Byrd
