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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

DIY Day + Dogs

Yesterday we got a package from Kenny's mom. It had an entire wardrobe and toys for the dogs. Nelly is in this diva teenager phase where she hates wearing clothes and Chaco is so laid back he couldn't care less what we put on him. 

So, like adoring parents, we tortured Nelly. It was hilarious. Here she is in her crab outfit; it goes quite nicely with her crabby mood.

If you were ever wondering what I do all day...Now you know. Props to Kenny for the black and white edit.

And when Chaco is in his devil mode where he is tearing things up and biting Nelly, I resort to my happy place- DIY projects. Pitured below- a t-shirt scarf. Kenny's t-shirt drawer was overflowing a few weeks ago so he cleaned out a bunch and we just moved them to another room, which didn't really help because we still had them laying around, until I found out you could make scarves out of old t-shirts. So now I have about 7 scarves, and they rock. Why? because they are soft (obviously) and they are free and just look how fashionable I am. 

Also, another craft for today. A calendar made out of paint chips. No, we don't have a hectic schedule but everyone can use a calendar if only to tell you who your football team is playing on weekends. 
lots of paint chips (any color of your choosing)
a picture frame (at least a 10x13 unless you have ninja small hand writing)
Taylor Swift play list (this one is non-negotiable)

And boom! Total cost- $4.50 for the frame. Paint chips are obviously free but you might feel a little guilty walking in, taking forty five and walking out without ever pulling out your wallet. I did. But don't let it happen. I'm sure before too long they will have a price tag on them, knowing the way our world is moving. So, get them free while you can!


  1. Now I know what you're doing for the rest of the month! WAaaaaahahahah! ;-)
    Really cute idea though, I'll have to keep that in mind.
